Monday, April 30, 2018

The Week Of

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The Week Of is now easily one of my favorite Adam Sandler films. I love the man despite his many bad films but this one plays at his strengths and I actually laughed out loud more than once, and they were prolonged laughs too. Sandler this time does not have a hot lady female lead (very different from many of his other films) he has a regular looking wife and family and his daughter is getting married to Chris Rock's son. Adam is a manager at a mid level repair company and Chris is a very famous and important heart surgeon. The film focuses on Adam's character and he is a great guy. And it is a great performance so natural and emotional and I love the melodrama in Sandler films (although I seem to be in minority) and it is so well done here. Anyway I have laughed, I have cried and totally enjoyed myself. 

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