Monday, April 30, 2018


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Pokot appealed to me for a few reasons, the lead being an elderly person, the naturalist point of view, however I had a problem with the actions of the protagonist. Muchos spoilers from now on.

She has two dogs that she loves and one day they dissappear. She looks for them to no avail. She is living at a village in which most of the male citiziens hunt for pleasure without complying with the hunting calender. She not only must suffer the loss of her dogs and the pain of not knowing what happened to them, she also does not understand how people around her do not care for nature and animals. Then one of her neighbours pass away and weird murders occurr. The Police chief is killed first, then the local rich land lord who keeps foxes in cages for pleasure and forces women into prostitution, then the mayor. I suspected the old lady killing them but could not reconcile her message of peace with these actions. In the end the event that made her flip was finding a post hunt photo in her dead neighbours house while waiting for the authorities. In it she saw that among the other kill, her two dogs were lying shot. Looks like her anti violence messages only carry so far even in her psyche. And the film gives her a happy ending. I'm fully on board with her message and pro naturalists thoughts and actions but murder? NO. 

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