Wednesday, April 25, 2018


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mother! was a film I was eager to watch since I like watching  Darren Aronofsky films even if I don't like the films themselves (some of them I like a lot, just not all). mother! turned out to be an intense viewing experience and I really liked Jennifer Lawrence yet again. What a great actress, giving all the nuances and feelings of her character excellently. Mr. Javier Bardem is a good actor, no question about that but I can't like him. I just can't, for no reason. Even my mother actually watched this till the end which proves that it is at least interesting. This is a different film. The story it tells is maybe familiar but the way it is told is original and the feelings, both good and bad, mainly bad come through successfully. I can't understand why everyone hates it. I wouldn't watch is again soon but I respect the approach and awed by the acting of the female lead. 

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