Monday, March 19, 2018

Along With The Gods

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Along With The Gods stars two of my favorite actors. Ha Jung Woo is a very talented actor and I think him very handsome and welcome Ju Ji Hun who I think very elegant looking. So I put both of their photos here since I could not choose.

First a disclaimer anything with the label "from my sister" is probably a pirated product. She is into that and I'm not but she downloads them to watch on big screen at the living room so since they are already downloaded I see no point in trying to avoid them. This weekend turned out to be a treat of pirated films in this regard.

Along With the Gods was my first choice not only due to casting but also it is a box office champion and Korean film goers and I usually agree. And this ended up being a treat. At first I thought it would be one of those CGI extravaganzas without much emotion lauded only on technical achievements. How wrong I was since it ended up being a first class melodrama making me cry rivers (and loving it). 

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