Monday, January 15, 2018

Burial Rites

Burial Rites I have purchased based on a recommendation from a booktuber. I purchased two novels one being And Again on Kindle and the other this one in audible. And Again turned out to be interesting and a pleasant read but I was not as impressed by it as the booktuber in question. (Her favorite novels of 2017 video is here I have not watched it yet). This novel however is tailor made for me. I loved every single sentence and I'm especially happy to get it in audible because the reader Morven Christie is sensational. I just got the literary pleasures all over during the reading and once again I wanted to find the writer (and reader) and shake their hands trying to express my gratitude. Wonderful novel of the story of a women in Iceland who is accused of murder and is forced to await the result of the appeal to her sentence at a farm with a family. This is 1800s btw and Ms. Kent has woven the story in such a way that it is not only a great drama but also a more than decent whodunnit. Highly recommended, especially in audible if you have the option.  

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