Friday, December 22, 2017

Hidden Figures

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Hidden Figures turned out to be great fun and very emotional. It is hard to surpass what human beings do to each other. At least in the film the characters learn and improve their behaviours in the end but it still hard to watch (I can't imagine how hard it must have been to live through). At least now these women are given credit for their achievements.

And I like Kevin Costner. Not the Dance With the Wolves or Postman Kevin Costner but the Tin Cup, Bodyguard and Bull Durham Kevin Costner. And he has aged well  (here I will say that I don't like his entertainment persona in the interviews etc. but I like watching him on screen) and I have read somewhere that Tarantino offered him the role of Bill but he turned it down. Not to diss David Carradine but I think Kevin Costner would have made a GREAT Bill. 

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