Monday, July 31, 2017

The Forest

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The Forest the only reason I watched this one is because I actually got lost in the forest mentioned in the film. It was after I have climed Mount Fuji and came down the mountain with a Korean guy who assured me that he knew the way (well he was kind enough to give me his coat at the very top, which was COLD and I'd come unprepared for it) . We ended up at the right place but they have stopped the buses from that spot due to season change (this was September) and we got stranded there with the darkness falling. This is the Fuji edge of the forest and while sitting there with no idea of what to do it occurred to us that we had seen three people coming down that way before us. We decided to go for it and ran into the forest shouting "daskete" (help!!!!) and after about 5 minutes of running in the dark forest they heard our shouts and shouted back and we were able to meet. And later of we have come across an American guy who got lost the same way but was wandering for longer than us. He heard our shouts from a far. These kind people got us out of the forest and into their car and drove us back to Kawakuchi go (a town where there are buses back to Tokyo) I got back to the hostel alright but not shocked or anything. After returning to my country and sharing this with my Japanese manager he told me that we were very lucky to find our way in the suicide forest, in the dark too. That was the first time I heard of it.

The film unfortunately was not very good.

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