Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Six of Crows

Six of Crows I was sucked in immediately. This is a YA book but it is one of the good ones. Best way to describe it would be it is not as good as Rainbow Rowell or Suzanne Collins but it is most definitely a lot better than City of Angels or Divergent (to which I have only read the first novels). It has a certain "Clareness" to it sometimes (not meant as a compliment) but the majority of it gets it right. I loved the world building and the characters. Ms. Bardugo is a gifter storyteller and I purchased and started the second novel immediately after the first one ended, right then and there. And I was even happier with the second one so I recommend to get them both if you find a good deal. 

I plan on buying rest of her novels. 

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