Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Photo credit: www.imdb.com

Spiderman:Homecoming well I have to say that Spiderman has always been my least favorite super hero (I'm partial to Batman and Wolverine). The main reason for it has been the way he is always so disorganised. His house is untidy and cluttered, he never keeps his appointments, never has any money and he is always in a rush. However I liked Sam Raimi's Spiderman. The origin story was good. Then came the next two films which turned me off again. This one I went into because there was not anything else (I have seen all the English language films the cinemas have to offer except Transformers and a shark film). I ended up having a great time and in this one Spiderman is at high school but he is already Spiderman and semi recruited by Ironman. He is again disorganised, cluttered etc. but it is all in good fun and the villain was a person who has less ambitious goals. All in all it is very entertaining. 

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