Monday, September 29, 2014

The Returned

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The Returned was on Dvdigi and since it was the only horror film available I watched it. And I was pleasantly surprised with the original plot and great acting and that clean, uncluttered cinematography that I like so much. Congrats Manuel Carballo.

First off I don't know whether this is a horror film. The plot make is seem so but to me it was more a drama.
There is an outbreak in the world where people are turned into zombies. But the humanity found a serum which reverses the effects of the virus (if applied on time) and the person is returned to being unaffected. Of course he'll need to inject the serum everyday but the government provides it and all is good. However the serum is produced from infected people so when the number of the zombies start to recede the serum stocks diminish in consequence.
Our heroine is a doctor who works with the returned patients during their initial stage. She is living with a musician who is also one of the returned.

The film's main conflict is people's paranoia where The Returned are concerned. What will happen when the serum stocks are emptied? If these people do not inject the serum they will become zombies. And this makes a lot of people afraid and they start to harass the returned (who were already subject to prejudice) and even kill them. And as the crisis reaches its zenith the Government begins to collect the returned (who are all registered since they need to get the serum). Our heroine and her lover accumulated a healthy stock of serum but they need to escape from the Government meanwhile their closest friends offer them shelter but they have a different agenda.

This is a slow moving film with dramatic moments that feel natural and very likable leads. I felt for this couple and I liked how understated the whole thing was. Recommended.

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