Friday, July 31, 2020

Double World

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Double World  it just was not good despite all the money obviously spent on it. 

The Last Kingdom

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The Last Kingdom  this one is recommended to me by my cousin's son and I loved it. Especially the first two seasons. This maybe the only time the series is better than the novel as far as I'm concerned. 


Fallen  yet another winner from Karin Slaughter. I really like her novels and this is no exception. Be advised however that it is one of the novels where you need to read the former books in the series to understand the context better.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

21 Bridges

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21 Bridges is not a very good film but Chadwick Boseman's performance is excellent and he has enough charisma to carry it through. 

The Night Tiger

The Night Tiger was very entertaining and I love the audiobook version. I also highly recommend The Ghost Bride which I liked better than The Night Tiger but either of them are fine reads. The author's own voice is suited well to the novels and I love listening to her. 
This is the type of the novel that pulls you in its world, at least for me. Highly recommended.


Derek turned out to be a nice show. Good people doing good deeds. I liked it and shed many many tears during.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Romancing The Duke

Romancing The Duke was surprisingly entertaining. No great shakes in the intimate scenes department but I like the whole candy floss sweetness of it. It is however one of the novels that you'll either like or hate so approach with this in mind.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Suits: Season 8

Suits Season 8 was not on par with the first few seasons. I don't think I'll continue these series. 

A Killer's Mind

A Killer's Mind turned out to be very entertaining. I liked the lead characters and maybe I'll seek more novels written by this author. Nothing earth shattering mind you but great accompaniment to house hold chores. 

The Shadow of What Was Lost

The Shadow of What Was Lost  I did not enjoy this at all. It is kind of by the numbers and the characters have no depth. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Because This Is My First Life

Because This Is My First Life is one of the progressive dramas and I love those. Despite the fact that none of the main cast are actors I particularly like, the cinematography and art direction were so good that it was a delight to watch. 


Misaeng well it seems that I had forgotten to add this. The second viewing was not as good but it is still a fave of mine. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Obelisk Gate

The Obelisk Gate was entertaining. I do not like the AU and the magic system but the writing is excellent and the characters and their reactions to what happens to them are written so well. Also I picked up this novel a long time after reading the first one and after a few sentences the whole thing came back right away. Give it a try even the world described is not to your liking there are lots of other things that capture any reader's fancy. 


Creep  well I did not really expect to enjoy this but I did. It is a found footage film with only two actors (who are also the producers and one of them wrote it) and it was fine. 

Brahms: The Boy II

Brahms: The Boy II was not really scary. It was not very good but I enjoyed it a lot because Katie Holmes chose to age naturally and it is good to see that at an American film for a change. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette is an entertaining film to watch. Lots of great art direction, a capable cast and good visuals. It told the story in a different point of view but somehow I could still not feel for Marie Antoinette. Also it always annoys me when everyone in speaks English, instead of French and German. 

Bu Yaz Ayrılığın İlk Yazı Olacak

Bu Yaz Ayrılığın İlk Yazı Olacak  beklediğim gibi çıkmasa da bırakmadım ve severek bitirdim. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Happy End

Happy End  I liked it a lot. Interesting story with good touches from the director. I would have known it a Haneke film without knowing the director beforehand. 

The Old Guard

The Old Guard is a decent, tidy film with good acting (especially from Charlize Theron) and I enjoyed it a lot. 

Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio

Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio It took me a while but I liked this one a lot. Recommended if you are into different cultures (and do not mind the outdated translator notes which sometimes can be offensive) 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Speals The Nightbird

Speaks The Nightbird turned out to be a good historical fiction but not very good mystery. I enjoyed the non mystery parts very much though and getting it on audio was a good decision thank God.

A Ruling Passion

A Ruling Passion well I liked this retro novel more than I thought I would. Recommended to the fans of soap operas.


Hustlers was ok. I love Jennifer Lopez acting. She is a very talented actress and she is the best thing about the film. 

Night School

Night School was not very good, still I had some laughs. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Reply 1994

Reply 1994 is a show I wanted to watch for quite some time. And it was alright though I liked the 1997 and 1988 a lot better than this one. 

The Unquiet Dead

The Unquiet Dead turned out to be a novel I wanted to like but sadly just found Ok. Some parts of it were great but mostly it felt like a sequel (which I think is not) and despite applauding the sentiments and how the matter is dealt within the story, I could not feel that the flow of the novel felt choppy and the characters were not well drawn. Maybe my preference is more info about the characters. But all in all it is worth a try and I hope it works well for other readers. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Eltilerin Savaşı

Eltilerin Savaşı eğlenceli geldi bana. Menapoz, regl ve sıcaklar üstüste gelince herhalde.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Havva'nın Üç Kızı

Havva'nın Üç Kızı pek sarmadı beni, kolay okunuyor ve Elif Şafak iyi bir öykü anlatıcısı ancak çok yapay geldi bana romandaki her şey.