Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Godfather: Part II

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The Godfather: Part II is a very good film but I like the first one a lot better. 

The Amulet of Samarkand

The Amulet of Samarkand is the type of book I wanted to DNF in about a third of the way but felt bad and kept going and suddenly I'm caught up with its rythm and enjoying it immensely. This is the main reason I feel compelled to keep reading and thank God more often than not it pays off. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Guard Post

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The Guard Post (GP506) ok I understand what this film tried to do but they have chose to work on the visual path (which was very very good) rather than the story and the characters so it ended up being not so good. 

The Godfather

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The Godfather is a masterpiece and the best novel adaptation I have watched.  

Shanghai Noon

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Shanghai Noon is an adorable little funny action film with a fish out of water premise. I think I liked it better the first time but I was younger back then :) 

The Tale of Princess Kaguya

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The Tale of Princess Kaguya is an adorable film. Great animation (looks kind of rough intentionally and very pleasing to the eye) a wonderful, bittersweet story that brought many tears to my eyes. 

Red Eye

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Red Eye I think this is the third time that I watch this little but very entertaining film. I love Rachel McAdams and she is so adorable in this one. I also like it because the lead is female and she kicks ass and comes out the victor against formidable foes. 

Good Doctor

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Good Doctor  or the drama that will be know to me as the river of tears (of which I have shed during every single one of its delicious 20 episodes) This seems to be tailor made for me. There are good guys, bad guys who are redeemed, sweet love stories, hot doctors trying to save children's lives. I loved it. And I have realised that so far Joo Won is three out of three (Baker King Kim Tak Gu - he was the evil second lead, Gaksital - delicious makjang with the resistance background and now this, melodrama milking it to the max) and I think this guy is actually a good actor. Now as usual with JW, I have found the secondary lead more attractive. This time he was even a bona fide good guy with his own love interest. 

Friday, September 21, 2018


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Blended yes, I watched it again. My intention was just to check the Hooters scene at the beginning until Netflix is updated but of course I ended up watching the whole thing and once again crying at the Somewhere Over The Rainbow scene. Adam Sandler is my kryptonite I suppose. And it helps that I like Drew Barrymore too. 


Beartown turned out to almost nearly as good as A Man Called Ove (not as good, mind you, almost nearly as good).Mr. Backman is a very good storteller and this turned out to be one of the books that made me stop everything and continue listening. Marin Ireland is the reader and she is very good. All in all this may not be great literature but it is a great story told very very well. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer I remember watching the film and liking it, but I had left behind his novels years ago (right about the time when I read my first Ian Rankin novel) but this kind of fell in to my lap in a Shinjuku secondhand book store franchise (yep, Japanese people have a secondhand bookshop franchise) and I decided why not, despite the fact that I have tried to avoid seeing Matthew Mcconaughey as Michael Haller - he was good in the part I just didn't like it when pre prepared visuals replace the ones in my head, probably why I don't want to reread Harry Potter novels)- anyway, I liked it but I remember liking the film better so I need to watch it again I suppose. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018


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Bleach ok this is my cryptonite. I love this type of Japanese films in which great looking guys act like high school students, there are harmless sword fights with rock music blaring in the back ground. This one fit all. It is not a good film or anything but I enjoyed it very much and as usual the lead actor is great looking but I have had the hots for the above guy (who shows up in about three scenes or something like that). I love the strong silent type. 

The Avengers

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The Avengers turned out to be better than I remembered it. I actually laughed out loud a few times. It is good for a rewatch and made me want to watch other stuff from Marvel Universe. 

The Snowman

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The Snowman ok what were they thinking? Seriously what were they thinking? A waste of a good cast, director and cinematographer. The problem with the whole thing is the choice of the novel. The Snowman is a good Jo Nesbo novel but it is one in the series where it pays to be familiar with the characters. It is a long novel too. Make a mini series with it. Introduce us to Harry and his troubles, how he met Rakel and Oleg and his place in Oslo PD, I'm not even going to dignify the side plot. Why would anyone do this? I have watched the whole thing but I ended up being frustrated with all the waste. 


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Breakdown ended up being interesting and entertaining (I think this is a remake but I'm not sure). I love Kurt Russel and he is very good here. All in all not really a must watch or anything but good to spend time with. 

Erased (Bokudake Ga Inai Machi) Live TV Show

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Erased (Bokudake Ga Inai Machi) Live TV Show I'm always vary of time travel plots since this genre does not appeal to me at all and I usually end up not liking whatever format it is presented to me with. This time it was a murder mystery so I decided to give it a shot and still no go. Just not for me. I have watched the whole thing but it simply didn't work for me. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Heba mükemmel bir roman. Yazarın, her bölümde bu okuru bir keman gibi çaldığı ve sonunda yere yatıp cenin pozisyonunda kıvrılmak istediğim bir kitap. Edebiyatı seven herkese tavsiye ederim. Ancak edebiyattan alınan haz göklere çıkarken, konu itibariyle okuduktan sonra serseme çevirebileceğinden korkarım. Mutlu konular, daha hafif ortamlar isteyenler belki bu istekleri geçince okumak isteyebilir. Bu durumda aynı yazarın Kuşlar Yasına Gider romanını tavsiye ederim, kesinlikle iyi gelecek.

Her edebiyat severin kesinlikle okuması gereken bir roman. 

A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms

A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms turned out to be very good. I wanted to listen to more. The reader was also good but he read certain thoughts of the characters in a very low whisper which caused me to constantly have to rearrange the volume. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sierra Burgess Is a Loser

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Sierra Burgess Is A Loser  is a remake of The Truth About Cats and Dogs (which is inspired by Cyrano De Bergerac, a good story transends time evidently). I really liked The Truth About Cats and Dogs but unlike Cyrano this one's secret admirer was actually also attractive (similar to that Steve Martin film where he is a great guy but with an odd shaped nose). This one is a better Cyrano because our protagonist is really not a physically attractive person and even better she doesn't turn into one at the end of the film and she gets the guy. Despite its flaws I liked this film. 


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Prey turned out to be one of those UK tv series with only three episodes. It is a humble one and it totally entertained me. As usual the actors are all great and there is a little tight plot with more than a few things going on. I recommend. 


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Frantz  well François Ozon is a director whose films I like even when they are not that good. This is among the good ones. I love its thematic approach and how the message is given in different strengths throughout the film. I love the actors and the visuals too. The story is very interesting and layered. I highly recommend this one. All in all this ended up being a good weekend. 


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Paterson  ok I only got this because I have a thing for Adam Driver. I find him very sexy on top of being a very good actor. He is excellent in this slice of life film with some big, some small things happening during a week of Paterson's life. I just loved it to bits. Not only the actors all were very good but I love the slightly surreal touches and the warmth emitting from everyone. The humble and optimistic look at life. Everything. The only Jim Jarmusch film I have seen was "Only Lovers Left Alive" and it was more visually good looking than interesting. This one however is already among my all time faves. 


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Coco turned out to be so good that tears flowed throughout sometimes due to joy sometimes sadness. I highly recommend. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Rising Man

A Rising Man turned out to get better for me as it developed. I liked the setting, the lead character and the good natured message of it all. However I didn't like the mystery and how it concluded. Even so I think I'll get the second novel in the series. 

Monday, September 3, 2018


Less I was expecting to like but I truly loved it. Great novel with a delightful prose. I liked the story too and was extremely happy with the SPOILER !!!!!                                   happy ending. 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

American Assasin

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American Assasin was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But it was not any good either.

The Vow

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The Vow is inspired by a true story which I didn't know the first time I watched it. In this rewatch I knew and find it even more entertaining (and yeah tears were shed this time too).