Monday, August 13, 2018


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PK turned out to be as good as everyone says it is. I truly liked it and was in tears (predictably) in the end. This is a story where the aliens do not land in USA. Instead they land in India and the first human contact was to steal the one thing the naked alien had on him. He then travelled around the country looking for it (the return device to his home planet). The reality is that he is pushed around, cheated and has trouble understanding the ways of humans. He comes across a TV journalist who turns him into a story (without exposing his alien status since she is actually one of the good guys). The main theme is how any religion is exploited for money and how people allow it. This is a sore point for me too and I welcomed the way this is shown. I simply can't understand how people believe other people when there are perfectly good at least 3 holy books as sufficient sources of information free of charge. When a characted in the film says that "he will protect the God" PK says to him "you, who is less than a speck of dust in the great universe created by God, think that you can "protect" him? Who do you think you are, presuming that God needs your protection?"

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