Monday, August 6, 2018


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It well it is not that bad I suppose but I was not scared during the viewing. Some of the reasons for that are unrelated to the film; I have watched a LOT of horror films and I guess I'm a bit jaded. Also I very rarely watch a horror film about something that truly scares me (these are mainly low grade Turkish horror films about djinns and those really scare me so I never watch them) and also I have read the novel a few times and know if pretty well (now the novel kind of scares me, even though I know what is coming). The acting, the set design, the make up are all good (as evidenced in the photo) but there is something lacking in it. Something the novel has abundance of. Even though this is only chapter one it only barely grazes over the issues in the novel and also eschews its storytelling timeline. Anyway the book is way better but I didn't fall asleep during this one. 

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