Monday, May 7, 2018


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ManHunt reminded me that I have been long away from Hong Kong/Chinese cinema that I didn't even know JohnWoo made a film. That Aaron Kwok film with the non aging killer truly ended HK cinema for me I suppose. Anyway this was like a John Woo film made by a quarter of John Woo. No feelings ever came true and one of the best things about John Woo films (one which, Hard Boiled is actually my all time fave action film) is that the sentiments come through the action there is melodrama along with it. Here they tried to do the same thing but for some reason it didn't work. I'm not going to blame the actors since they all did a great job, except the son of the main baddie. I know the actor but I couldn't find his name right away. It was entertaining enough that I watched it without falling asleep but it didn't move me at all.

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