Monday, October 24, 2016

Sugar Daddies

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Sugar Daddies is the sort of cautionary tale TV film and I kind of liked it. 


Descent was a surprise. It is a well written mood piece that is more of a drama than thriller. I really liked it. 

George of the Jungle

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George of the Jungle it is an immature film but I love it still. 

Black Mirror Season 3

Black Mirror Season 3 was very good indeed. The scariest episode for me was the 5th, Men Against Fire where soldiers voluntarily are inserted a device in their brains that makes them see the enemy as zombie like creatures (roaches in this case) thus making them easy to kill. However the enemy was able to make a device to erase some of the effects of the one inserted in soldiers' brain and one realises, to his horror, that he had been killing human beings all this time. He actually had killed only two but it was enough that he agreed that the government remove the faulty device and insert a correct one (of course the whole process from the approval by the soldier stage is erased from the soldier's memory. All of the episodes have something to be scared but that one actually caused me to have a nightmare.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


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Incidencias was not to my liking. 


Vikings the first three seasons were really good but somehow it went sour in the fourth season. I'll still check it out to see whether it has imporved in the upcoming season but I don't have high hopes for it.

Ragnar as a TV character was really good. Played by a handsome actor who can pull off being grimy and sexy both at the same time, he is an interesting character without being very complicated. His first wife is a great woman (but they also kind of soured that up in the last season) very entrtaining to watch.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For was not as good as the first Sin City. Despite the fact that I LOVE Eva Green, the story just didn't involve as good as the first one. I didn't fall asleep however and that's got to be a good thing no? 


Fracture was not as good as I remembered it but still entertaining and Ryan Gosling looks his best in this one (as far as I'm concerned that is) 

The End (Fin)

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The End (Fin) was interesting at first but it didn't last and the film took a trun I was not expecting and not in a good way as far as I'm concerned. 

De Surprise


De Suprise ended up being really entertaining and emotional. I like clean cinematography and this film had it in spades. 

The Way of Shadows

The Way of Shadows This is kind of hard because I think the writer is a very nice person (yes I have read the 'acknowledgements' section, I always to) and he has great ideas and story telling skills. However this is not a good book for the simple reason that it didn't have a good editor. The story telling is good, it is fast and furious with lots and lots happening but it is not possible to care for the characters since not a lot of time is spend on their thoughts and reasons for their actions. Now if this was a story telling choice I'd have no problem, while not my preference, I respect it and sometimes it works. However in this book these are thrown in a haphazard manner and without any depth to them. 

There are twists etc. but after some time they became almost a pattern.

Too bad this novel ended up like that since I think one could get a decent trilogy from that novel alone with good editing and better guidance.

Monday, October 10, 2016

What's Your Number?

What's Your Number? I truly don't know why this film is appealing to me. I love to watch it. And now that I have been to Boston and was able recognise most of the places in the film it was even a better viewing experience. I like Anna Faris but am not particularly interested in Chris Evans but I truly love this film. 


Confessions was not as good as I expected. It is probably the only Japanese translated into English novel I didn't like that much. The thing that turned me off mostly is the preaching tone. Some of the messages I agree with but I didn't want to be hammered on the head with them. It is an OK mystery with the twist obvious (yeah I had watched the film years ago but I think I still would have seen it coming).


Dredd oddly I was expecting Dredd to be good (despite not being that into Karl Urban) and it was. I fell asleep at some point but interested enough to rewind and watch and complete the whole thing. 

Kill Your Friends

Kill Your Friends was more interesting than I though it would be. Still it was not that special. 

Our Little Sister

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Our Little Sister was a film to my own heart. I love Kore -Eda films and this is probably my favorite. It felt a lot like one of those slice of life anime films where one feels good to be alive and enjoys pretty visuals. Here we have the added bonus of great performances from all the cast. I cried rivers during and loved it. 


Platoon was better the first time. 

Our Brand Is Crisis

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Our Brand Is Crisis was not special. Although I like Sandra Bullock. 


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Vatel was not that special. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Descent  is a good book but it is not the usual thriller type. The mood and characterisation are at the foreground and I liked this approach. Highly recommended but do not expect the thriller style you are used to.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Master of None Season 1

Master of None is the TV series written by Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang and I liked it a lot. Even though it is supposed to be comedy, I actually shed tears in two episodes. If you have watched Aziz Ansari's Madison Square Garden show (which I had watched after viewing all episodes of Master of None) then it is pretty much the same material but better because the show is finely written and acted (leading man is Aziz Ansari, playing an Indian commerical film actor called Dev) with a little bit of a Woody Allen film flavour to it. Recommended. 

V For Vendetta

V For Vendetta turned out to be a lot better than I remembered. I liked it so much and cried during. 

Training Day

Training Day I have no idea why I have not watched this until now. I liked it a lot. Denzel Washington was so so good. 

Four Brothers

Four Brothers was not a film I was interested in but for some reason wanted to watch this weekend. It was an entertaining experience and that's about it. 

Ring 2 (USA Remake)

Ring 2 was surprisingly better than the Ring USA Remake (I actually fell asleep while watching the latter and it was not even night time). This time the visuals were more suited to my taste and the story was told better, in a more engaging manner in comparison with the first USA remake.