Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Two Towers

The Two Towers the film is even worse adaptation than The Fellowship of the Ring. It is not a bad film but it just does not compare to the novel and I didn't like the liberties the director took. For instance Faramir is one of the few people who seems immune to the lure of the ring and doesn't even bat an eye lash when he was in a position to get it. He simply lets our little travellers go their course (only worried that they took the most perilious path imaginable). In the film Faramir struggles with himself and only lets them go their way in Osgiliard.

I had a bit of a crush on Faramir the first time I read the novel but now it is all about Frodo as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway the film and its liberties and also unnecessary whimsies (as Legolas skateboarding in Helm's Deep) and them turning Gimli into comic relief are all turn offs.  

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