Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Ocean At The End of The Lake

The Ocean at The End of The Lake It seems very odd that I was introduced to Neil Gaiman's work through James McAvoy. I had a heavy crush for him and when I saw that he starred in a radio play audibook version of Neverwhere, I immediately went for it. However the colleague who lets me use his audiobook account downloaded another version, unabridged and read by the Author. Well nothing to do but give it a try and I LOVED it. Fortunately my colleauge loved it too and actually purchased American Gods which I too loved. So I when I saw this at JFK airport I had to get it.

And it is a wonderful novel. Too short for me but just enough for the story. A child who had a traumatic - and really scary - experience but received good help and gained kind friends. Highly recommended.

And I'm very happy that I had a crush on Mr.McAvoy :) since even though my film crushes are usually temporary (it seems only Edward Norton and Leonardo DiCaprio remain constant so far) my literary crushes usually last a long time (in fact I don't think I have ever dropped one) 

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