Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Slacking Off (Sorry) And She Was - End, When Beauty Tamed The Beast + Various films

And She Was by Alison Gaylin ended up being decent. I liked the female PI with a real life syndrome of not being able to forget anything and I liked the show Unforgettable and the lead character was kind of similar. Although in the book she has a child.

When Beauty Tamed The Beast this is one of the cheap romance novels I like so much but our vibe didn't match with Ms.Eloise James. Her lead male is Dr.House (right to the leg) and everyone is rather too modern for my taste. To each his/her own I suppose. But I keep on reading it and liking it. Maybe she'll redeem herself in the romantic scenes...

Reservoir Dogs this one is a classic. And I still like it a lot.

I don't really remember what I have seen on weekend (shame on me). But I remember falling asleep during Inseparable woke up towards the end and all can say about it is "What were they thinking?".

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