Monday, August 26, 2013

Children of Men, Elysium, A Perfect Murder, People Like Us, The Names of Love, The King of Drama Eps.5

Currently reading P.D James' Children of Men and I like it as much as the film. Great novel. Actually I think I like it even better than Innocent Blood.

On weekend I have watched

Elysium I saw this in theater and it would not have been my choice if the other alternatives were kids' films and one horror film (normally I'd go for the horror one but I'm geniuinely scared of Djinns and the plot is a woman possessed by them). Thank God that I ended up loving it. Even shed some tears.

A Perfect Murder this was a rewatched but I have seen the film so long ago that I have forgotten many things about it. And I liked to be able to watch the life of Manhattan rich and famous. Gywneth Paltrow's costumes were so good.

People Like Us for some reason this film opened the waterworks. There was no reason that it should but somehow somewhere during I started to care for these people.

The Names of Love It was not good. I have watched it till the end for some reason but seriously, I like quirky French films but this one was average at best.

The best thing I saved for last

The King of Drama now I had a feeling that I was going to like this drama. A- I love Kim Myung Min and he is so good at being an asshole but somehow making you care for him, B- I like dramas about dramas.
And thank God I was not wrong. At the end of episode 5 I just wanted to keep watching but luckily stopped myself.

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