Monday, July 26, 2010

Magnolia, Danny The Dog, The Reader, Woman on Top

This weekend was very fruitful as far film viewing is concerned. The thing is that I have stopped wanting to go to a film theater and watch the films on big screen. I have no explanation to why. But Inception is a film that should be appreciated on big screen so I think I'll try and watch it there.

Magnolia (1999) Directed and written by P.T Anderson.
I liked this one better in second viewing. Cried less but appreciated it more. It is a good film.

Danny The Dog (a.k.a Unleashed) 2005 Directed by Louis Letterie, written by Luc Besson
I think this film suffers mostly from its title. I hesitated to view it for such a long time despite loving Jet Li and action films. The title is so unappealing. The film is good though. It is flawed but works where it matters. Jet is amazing both in the fights and in acting.

The Reader (2008) Directed by Stephen Daldry, written by David Hare, adapted from the book by Bernhard Schlink.
I loved it, loved it, loved it, loved it, loved it. Great story and great story telling. Acting was perfect and Kate Winslet would be my ideal woman if I was a man. She is perfect. Anyway my only complaint about this is that everyone spoke English (with German accents too!) even though all the characters are German and the film is in Germany. Other than that it is a perfect film.

Woman on Top (2000) Directed by Fina Torres, written by Vera Blasi.
This one is not a good film but I was too lazy to change the channel. Only recommended to Penelope Cruz fans since she looks great in this one but I have seen her act much much better in almost every other film I have seen her in.

Ellery Mystery stories got better and better towards the end. I still have some to read though and I hope that they will continue to be good.

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