Thursday, February 11, 2010

Catching Up (Bara No Nai Hanaya - Australia - Changeling and Wives and Daughters)

It has been hectic from the beginning of the week so I was not able to update here and will probably forget to mention some of the things I have seen but

Australia (2008) Directed by Baz Luhrman, written by Stuart Beattie, Baz Luhrman, Ronald Harwood and Richard Flanagan.

It is a beautiful film and a pleasure to watch. I'm puzzled as to why it didn't do so well at BO. It has a good story with adventure, good values, love, action and above all brilliant visuals. Mr.Luhrman of course is a fave director of mine but still I'd have fallen for him with this one, just as hard as I did when I saw Strictly Ballroom.

Changeling (2008) Directed by Clint Eastwood, written by Michael Straczyinsky.

Good old Clint is yet another fave director and this film didn't dissapoint. I'm not head over heels for it but it was entertaining and interesting. I think Angelina Jolie is not a good actress there is something about her performance, I can't call it bad but it was lacking. Of what, that I can't name.

Bara No Nai Hanaya - 4 Episodes in

I read about it at dangermousie's blog and purchased it based on her recommendation. So far I don't regret the purchase, far from it actually since despite its very visible failings, one of them being a lead actor who can't act (how wonderful it would have been if Takuya Kimura was in that role) it has great "moments" strength. I cried at every episode and love the lead character despite the actor. The female lead on the other hand is fantastic, she was also the lead in Pride, but here she is better looking and I liked this character better.

Meanwhile I'm very much into Wives and Daughters, so much so that I was actually in tears while reading it at the shuttle bus to work and was not able to stop myself. Poor Osbourne, poor baby, poor AimeƩ and poor Squire Roger. Those scenes in the book were so powerful. Actually I think I like this one better than North and South.

I also watched some TV shows...

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