Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ragini MMS 2


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Ragini MMS 2    it is not good, I liked Sunny Leone and the male lead Saahil Prem though (he was handsome). And there were a couple of good jokes.  

Time And Tide


Photo from wikipedia 

Time And Tide   I remember liking this one the first time I watched it but it was probably only because I was horny for Nicholas Tse and Anthony Wong (not a lead in this film). On this second viewing this film is a mess and not a good one. Maybe 2% of it is bearable due to some good action but that is all (Nic Tse is still handsome though)

Nine Perfect Strangers


Photo from wikipedia 

Nine Perfect Strangers  this one is not really good. I liked the location and sets though. 

Tears   unfortunately yes. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Midnight Mass

 Midnight Mass  was not bad except the final episode (I did not really believe they did not leave any place out of the sun)

Tears: yes

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Ragini MMS


Photo from wikipedia

Ragini MMS  It was better than I thought it would be. It was also interesting to watch Rajkumar Rao (an actor I don't like but appreciate). 

Succession S1 & S2

 Photo from wikipedia 

Succession  S1 & S2   well well well. I did not like the first three episodes and gave up on the show. But then for some reason I watched the trailer for S3 and was intrigued enough to continue. Then I was hooked. Really hooked. This was yet another lesson for my being against dnf. Now looking forward to S3 and enough that I may actually watched it episode per week if I have to. (I usually wait and binge)

Wanted for Pleasure Trained for Sin

 Wanted for Pleasure Trained for Sin  This was decent. Not much else but erotica and short but sweet. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Wisdom of Crowds


The Wisdom of Crowds  Excellent last book of the trilogy. I loved it to bits and did not even want it to end. His character work is always appreciated but this also one has great pacing, action, climax after climax and loyal readers knew (and dread) what was coming but this heightened the suspense.

The author's talent and hard work shines through and I wanted to shake his hand. Well done!

If you have never read any of his books start with The Blade Itself and if you like it, you are going to love the rest.

Also the audio work is amazing at this (again this is nothing new, one of the best writer/reader pairings)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Lover Revealed

 Lover Revealed You know what? This novel is not bad. It has a certain urban fantasy world building with macho men (both human and vampire variety), romance and a tiny amount of erotica. 

I only read the first one and this one (purchased before I ever read the series at a second hand shop) but it did not feel I had to read them in order.

Squid Game


Photo from wikipedia 

Squid Game   well it is not spectacular or even that original but it is melodramatic and entertaining to watch. 

Tears   yes, it is not easy for me to resist melodrama and I surrender willingly most of the time. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Book Club


Photo from wikipedia 

Book Club  is a nice little film. It is kind of a rom com with rich, white old women who find romance after reading Fifty Shades of Grey for their book club. 

Tears   yes, a bit. I did not see them coming. 

Demon Slayer

 Photo from wikipedia 

Demon Slayer  turned out to be wonderful. I just loved it to bits and hope to watch more of it. I love good guys and Tanjiro is the quintessential good guy. I really like the side characters as well. Excellent anime. 

Tears:  Oh yes, during unexpected moments. 

Friday, September 17, 2021



Photo from wikipedia 

Burning  is a great film that I have watched a few times now and I like it better every time. Also I have a thing for Yoo Ah In (but I would have liked the film if another, equally competent, actor was in the role) 


 Prey  is the type of film I have a fondness for. Friends/family  face a threat in the nature (during a group excursion) It is not spectacular but I enjoyed it. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021


 Domina   this show really worked for me. I liked the actors, the art direction and the power struggles. 



Carmilla I liked it. The audio was nicely done and the novel has a certain mood that works well with the story. 

Second Skin

 Second Skin  it was alright. 

Taking What's Theirs


Taking What's Theirs This one, strangely enough, was wholesome. Yes, wholesome is the best way to describe these stories. 

To save you time

- each story has two short steamy scenes the rest it rainbows and doves etc. 

- all but one are mmf, there is one ffm.

- it decent but may not be as saucy as I expected. 



Photo from wikipedia 

Kate   ok this is not very original and the female lead just does not have on screen charisma (she is a very good actress and this performance was very good) but I liked it very much.

Tears     yes there were tears. 

Lucky Suit


Lucky Suit This was decent enough. However there is zero angst and it is all rosy tinted throughout. So if you need that kind of thing go ahead (nary a steamy scene) 

Pulp Fiction


Photo from wikipedia 

Pulp Fiction  I think this film is a masterpiece. No matter how many times I have seen it, I still love it just as the first time. 

I'm Travelling Alone


I'm Travelling Alone   I really liked this one despite its obvious flaws (plot holes and resolution) since I really liked the sentiments in it. Also the reading performance was great and I had a good time with it. Recommended if you are into the genre and can be a bit forgiving if the storytelling and sentiments suit you.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Crisis In Six Scenes

 Photo from wikipedia 

Crisis In Six Scenes well I know I shouldn't have (due to issues with Woody Allen) but I liked this one. It is not great but it is entertaining. 

Call Me By Your Name (film)


Photo from wikipedia 

Call Me By Your Name  (film)   I liked this a lot better than the novel, which is rare in my case. Despite not really liking either of the lead actors I appreciate TC for giving a great performance. 

Tears   - yes, during Marzia Elio scene and then Dad Elio scene 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Clickbait was not good. 

The Curse of La Llorona


Photo from wikipedia

The Curse of La Llorona    it was below average (the actors were good, it is just that the rest were not) 

Men Without Women

 Men Without Women    This is a masterpiece and a very good introduction to the author's novels and other short stories. If you have not read any Murakami books and are curious then this is the book to start. 

A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box & A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella


Photo from wikipedia  

A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box & A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella   It has been ages since I last watched them and I hope more Hong Kong films will come to Netflix. These two still made me laugh out loud and I had a good time watching them. 



Photo from wikipedia 

D.P   turned out to be excellent. Great acting, great art direction and cinematography.

Tears   I think so, I must have cried. 

The Henna Artist


The Henna Artist   was alright I suppose, although I probably would not have liked it as much if it was not that great reading performance. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Intouchables


Photo from wikipedia 

The Intouchables  now this is a wonderful film. I watched the USA remake and thought it decent but THIS original is something else. The most amazing thing about it was how it avoided melodrama. I was impressed by everything but most impressed by that. 

Tears - lots and lots but they flowed for the story not melodrama because there was not an ounce of it. They did not push any buttons only tickled your funny bone every now and then. 

Suspicious Partner


Photo from wikipedia  

Suspicious Partner   well I did not like it as much as everyone did. But I did finish it, so it is something I suppose.