Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Rythm of War


Rythm of War   well, here are a few opinions. First off, it is not a bad novel but because of the huge world building and upcoming events even turning to science fiction a little bit, I felt some distance towards it. Also my personal problem is the character pov type of storytelling in this one. Usually it is one of my favorite things but here I only like one character (Kaladin) and the rest, not so much. So to me the parts with Kaladin are interesting and exciting but the rest are kind of "very good" to "I don't care". 

Although one scene without Kaladin, and I saw what was coming, put me in tears (it might have been the hormones but I don't think so). It was good writing and excellent reading performance.

Well this book does not need any recommendation, if you have not read the other novels in the series, then you must read them first. If you have read them then you should have a fairly good idea of what to expect. 

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