Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Promise of Blood


Promise of Blood  yet again this one did not work for me, there is nothing wrong with it. It is just one of those times when I couldn't connect with neither the characters nor the plot. 


 Unsouled  turned out to be not really my thing. Despite the Japanese and Chinese influence in the world building and action scenes I just couldn't get into it. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Delta of Venus


Delta of Venus is collection of erotic short stories. The first ones almost made me stop (taboo subjects indeed), but I stuck with it since the prose was interesting/different for this genre and I was intrigued and very glad that I did since the later stories turned out to be very good subject matter wise. 

The edition I have read has noticeable spelling mistakes and could have used a good proof reader. 

 A Ladder To The Sky
  is the story of a literary parasite (of sorts I suppose) and his victims (two have their own pov) This author has a knack for making vile characters entertaining and I like how honest and vulnerable some of them are. He writes good characters very well too but that certain viciousness of his tendered with a sense of humour is very good.

The plot may not be all perfect but I liked this one very much and will not hesitate to recommend. The audiobook is fantastic. If you can't decide on the format get it on audio.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Rebecca 2020


Photo from www.imdb.com

Rebecca   well, meh. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Picture of Dorian Gray

 The Picture of Dorian Gray  well it must have been a long time since I first read this since this time around I didn't like it as much. Nothing to do with the quality of prose and it is no surprise that this is one is quoted often. However the character Lord Henry's thoughts and speeches were trials and kind of marred an otherwise good read. Still I recommend it.

The Bear And The Nightingale


The Bear And The Nightingale turned out to be a nice read. Enough to have a good listening time but not enough to seek out the rest of the trilogy. This one is not left at a cliffhanger so it is possible to enjoy it as a stand alone. 

Sicario: Day of The Soldado


Photo from www.imdb.com

Sicario: Day of The Soldado   well this film was a lot better than I expected. I really liked the first one and this one is a good sequel that nicely segues from the first one but with a different flavour. My elder Aunt who is suffering from dementia watched it with me and got so scared that she actually hid behind and armchair. Benicio Del Toro is very convincing I suppose. 

The Seventh Scroll


The Seventh Scroll  well it is my fault since I never looked this up and expected some sort of historical fiction/fantasy a la The River God. However this is an adventure novel with some sort of a romance thrown in. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Searcher

 The Searcher is another excellent novel from one of my favorite writers. It is one of those novels that takes you away and puts you inside the story. Highly recommended and not only for the lovers of the genre. Also the audiobook was really good. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 Photo from www.imdb.com  

Nocturne turned out to be average (and I'm being kind) I wanted to like it but sorry, no. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Best Served Cold

 Best Served Cold  is even better this time again. I highly recommend and you don't need to read the previous trilogy to enjoy it (but it is a good one so I recommend reading the first three just for the pleasure of it) 

The Bride Test


The Bride Test is not a very good novel, there is a lot of emotion but the plot lacks everything. I wanted to like it more than I did.

A Deadly Education


A Deadly Education is a delightful YA fantasy that is good for the adults too. I really liked it and am looking forward to the next book. Also the audio version is very very good. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Troubled Blood


Troubled Blood   among all the controversy I have preordered this one since I really liked the previous novels and this one was really good too. I liked the way that it takes more than one year to solve the mystery while the relationship between our two lead characters flactuates and it ended up being one of those books that I invented chores to listen further. And the reader's performance is excellent, one of the best I have listened to. Recommended.

Monday, October 5, 2020



Unseen  it is a good novel, however you definitely need to read Grant County and Will Trent series before reading this. 

Terminator 2: Judgement Day


Photo from www.imdb.com

Terminator 2: Judgement Day   yep, it still holds up. I even cried again. 



Photo from www.imdb.com

Breathe  unknowingly, I have watched the sequel before seeing this. I liked this one a bit better, there are some weak points but I liked the idea and acting. Recommended

Tales From The Hood 2


Photo from www.imdb.com

Tales From The Hood 2  hmmm I have not seen the first one but this one was not very good, the anti racist message was good and some of the acting was good, I don't have anything else nice to day. 

Thugs of Hindostan


Photo from www.imdb.com

Thugs of Hindostan well it was not a good film but I liked it anyway.