Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Perdido Street Station

Perdido Street Station This novel made me to face the dilemna readers face from time to time. I didn't like it but I felt like I couldn't stop listening to it.

First off this is not a bad novel. It has a nicely done AU, interesting and different characters and many action. However I was unable to have that special bond one makes with the book. On paper this sounds like something I'd love but that connection was not there.

Apt comparisons were made likening it to novels of Charles Dickens but I love Dickens however Perdido Street Station did not work for me at all.

I do respect the writer and the novel so I kept on and on and on and finally last night I was able to finish it. It felt a weight has lifted off my shoulders.

I suggest first read some of it and see whether this is for you before purchasing it.

The reader's performance was very good btw. This just was not my thing. It is not you Mr. Miéville, it's me.

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