Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Beaty and The Beast (Disney Film)

Beauty and The Beast is a dvd I had blind bought ages ago (before once can sample everything on line and decide whether it is for you or not) Anyway I bought it because everyone gushed about it etc. In the end I liked it but was not enamored. This time they are making a live version so I decided to give it a go to cheer me up a bit. It worked and I liked it even better. Belle is a heroine who loves to read and won my heart right away. Beast is also kind of kind hearted, certainly better than Gaston who has to be one of the most awfull villains ever. It was so good of Belle to refuse him outright. Gives the nice message. Just because he is good looking, wealthy and loved by the majority doesn't make him a good guy or a suitable one for you.

All in all this also kind of served a plot kink of mine, two people having to share space and start to care for each other.


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