Monday, January 11, 2016

Pas Son Genre

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Pas Son Genre (Not My Type) was a terrible shock to this unsuspecting rom com lover.


The plot is why I chose this one. A philosophy teacher and a writer who is a Paris intellectual has to work at a rural town as the teacher. Reluctantly he agrees. He is a type who doesn't like to be attached and we see him breaking up with his lover at the credits with no more thought to her as he departs her apartment to Les Deux Magots and orders breakfast. In the rural town he goes for a haircut and likes his hairdresser. Jennifer is one of those happy people who loves what they do, happy where they live and she is divorced with a mother to a son (probably 6-7 years old I guess). She has two good friends and loves to karaoke and does it well. She likes popular novels, popular films (actors like Jennifer Anniston, Cameron Diaz etc.). These two have a great chemistry and start an affair with our brooding intellectual Clement enjoying the company of Jennifer. However this relationship has a kind of disrupting influence on Jennifer. Firstly she is sort of "informed" or "taught" by Clement frequently. This doesn't seem to bother her since she actually likes to read (although usually popular novels with light subjects and prose) but Clement hides him being a writer with a published novel from her (he actually thought about coming clean at one point but decided against it) so deep into their relationship, she was shocked to see his novel by accident at a book store. This crisis was avoided by him admitting that he was scraded that she will label him as a Paris intellectual (a breed she doesn't really care for although she loves him) and the poor things totally buys it and forgives him. The problem of the huge difference he and she observe their relationship happens when they see an colleague of his on the street and he doesn't introduce her. Despite the fact that the colleague introduces her husband and children and looks at her obviously expecting an introduction. She introduces herself in the end by name but the omission is heavy on their day. She acts all normal later on when he actually dared to apologise (without an explanation). And she thinks a lot and a lot and becomes very unhappy her sunny disposition and happy ways obliterated. She has sex with him one night and tells him that she will go to a holiday place with her two friends and that she'll see him a week later when she comes back. He is unaware that something is wrong and a week later she drops to the hairdressers and finds out that she has actually quit and her friends thought that she went to a holiday with Clement.

Ok this is where Clement will look for her, pine for her and then later confess his undying love for her with a song at a karaoke (he refused to sing one earlier) and they live happily ever after, no?


He looks for her but she has already moved out from the town altogether. The last shot we see is her empty apartment with the doorbell ringing (by Clement) in the background. Yeah and then the film ends. I actually forwarded the end credits to the very end hoping for a final scene that brings some sort of resolution. However there was none. I was really frustrated. I still am frustrated.

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