Tuesday, January 19, 2016

American Sniper

Photo credit: rollingstone.com

American Sniper is a Clint Eastwood film so it is not a surprise that I liked the filmatism of it. War is not a favorite genre of mine and I don't really like Bradley Cooper. The film depicted very nicely of the general American family and that type of Texan culture I suppose. And the lead character (who is actually real life inspired) has some definite notions of how to protect and serve. Other opinions were depicted too (his brother's or some of the other soldiers in his team for instance) but all in all I can understand why this film was a box office success in its home country. And to be fair I doubt that the citiziens of any other country will have different point of views if they were placed in similar situations. 

Oh and the fake baby? Why? I wondered Why?

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