Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Blade Itself

The Blade Itself is the first novel I have purchased with my own audible account. And it is a great fantasy novel. Interesting characters doing unexpected things. And the narrator is a master. I could have hugged him after the novel has ended since his performance was top notch.

Now I'm reading the second novel of this First Law trilogy (yeah fantasy and its multiple novels) And I'm really into it.

Although I appreciate these series more, I was more affected by The Stormlight, simply due to my love for a hero with total goodness. In this novel, the prose is better and the characters are better too. They are similar to real people. Bad people sometimes do good things and good people sometimes do bad things (like our stoic and principled Major West hitting his sister). I have to say that currently despite my love of adventures of the Ninefingers and his merry band, my favorite character is Superior Glocter. 

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