Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Queen of No Marriage Eps 3-6

This title really is hillarious. I can actually call myself the queen of no marriage.

Anyway I continue to like the show. Its message is good. The potential villain is suitably physco and Ethan Ruan is just adorable, sexy and so good looking. I like how the female lead is not that pretty.

We have not found out that Jia Jia is sister of Lucas's ex girlfriend who died in his arms (the only time Ethan fails in acting is those type of "nooooooo" scenes) Meanwhile the person who dumped our heroine 6 years ago is planning to return to Taiwan for a renuion of the Mountain Climbing Club. Our heroine needs to bring somebody who is better than her ex so she is combining a magazine assignment on the dating scene of the single people with her personal life and now will go on blind dates. Lucas is not happy about it (oh Lucas you are so perfect) meanwhile Jia Jia is definitely crushing on Lucas big time - and I don't blame her really- but Lucas's best friend told her that she has no chance since she is actually the sister of his dead ex.

The lack of kissing scenes (there was only one accidental kiss) is a bit frustrating. I hope they will remedy that in the upcoming episodes. At the risk of sounding pervy, Ethan is a great on screen kisser.

Meanwhile Storm of Swords is going really good. Jon is still alive.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Catching Up Addendum

Of course the dramas

I have finished Best Love/Greatest Love and no suprises there I LOVED it. Dokko Jin is a great rom com male lead. Seemingly arrogant and cold hearted but in reality very kind, good and romantic. In this drama they made him also a bit childish too and it worked since Cha Seung Won (aka hotness personified) worked wonders with this character. All in all very satisfying since the focus was on the male lead (which is very very rare in the rom coms I remember) and everything worked very very well.

Now I have started Queen of No Marriage and three episodes in I'm once again under the influence of Ethan Ruan. He is so handsome but also his performance in this one is suprisingly good (based on You Are My Destiny and Monga I didn't think he is much of an actor). I like the female lead too. She is not terribly pretty but she has a certain presence I like. And they burn the screen together (already had a french kiss and a tumble in bed - gotta love Taiwanese shows, these are unheard of in the first three episodes in Korea) I hope this will keep on being good.

Catching Up

After my lovely lovely vacation in Hawaii, I need to catch up with things. The main reason I keep this blog is to record no?

Films on the flights (it was a 15 hour flight to and from LA :) ) and 5 hours each to from Hawaii.

The films that stayed with me

X-Men First Class What can I do? I love James Mc Avoy. The other guy was also a good actor, much more charismatic and very successful as the conflicted villain but I do love my shrimp Mc Avoy and his is the performance that stayed with me in this nice film.

Just Go With It Adam Sandler, yet another guy I love without no apparent reason. He just looks like he is a very nice person. Anyway this film was made better by its location (Hawaii - heh).

Life As We Know It Katherine Heigl plays the same women she played in all of her lame ass rom coms (I only liked this character in Knocked Up since she was nicely paired with Seth Rogen's - it didn't work in the rest of the film (21 Dresses, The Ugly Truth etc.) Same annoying woman you can't understand why the lead men fall for. Not a very good thing when you aspire to be the rom com actor. There is a reason why Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan were so good at it. It was not just the men who like them it was us too. Isobel in Grey's Anatomy was such a great part for Heigl. Too bad it didn't work out.
Monte Carlo Yeah I can't believe it either but I not only watched it to the end but I sort of liked it too (eewwww)
Horrible Bosses
I was not all that.

The films I have started but couldn't finish since they were boring: Hanna, Water for Elephants, Unknown...

I have read Passing Under Heaven by Justin Hill which I liked and then I had this brill idea to start Game of Thrones. Yeah after knowing how time consuming, expensive fantasy genre is. And most of the time the books are not really worth it. Alas I'm hooked now and I have finished Clash of Kings and currently reading A Storm of Swords. My favorite character is John Snow but against my better judgement I can't help but like Tyrion too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Midnight Meat Train, Chaser

I forgot to add Midnight Meat Train to the list in the former post. I actually didn't think it was bad, just a tad predictable and not very well acted. But it had the clean cinematography I liked so I enjoyed it more than I would have.

Chaser Koreans know how to do it right when it comes to tight bloody thrillers. They are always very well acted and I do like the fact you don't know what is going to happen (as opposed to say, US films). This one is a good example to that - but stay away if you are squeamish - not as bloody as I Saw The Devil but it is bloody.