Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Secret ended up being a feat for my eyes since I do love Cha Seung Won but other than that (and him) there was not anything remarkable in it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows 2, The Game, Monga, Devil's Backbone

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows 2: Well I didn't like the film itself but having loved the books and knowing the story helped me along. Also the experience was fabulous since I was in this huge mall theater all by myself. This was also my first 3D experince and while I think this is a good way to view cartoon or CGI films, it doesn't do much for the scenes acted by actual human actors.

The Game: That one was out and out bad, all kinds of wrong but I do love Abhishek and he was so good looking in it (his performance however was very very bad)

Monga: I liked it well enough. I may even rewatch it since whatever the shortcomings, that one had heart and it showed. Besides, Ethan Ruan, I love you :)

Devil's Backbone: This is by far the best film I have seen this weekend. It has a great story and it is very well told. I love how Guillermo Del Toro uses the special effects. They are only there to enhance the story and the film gave me nightmares (but this is a good thing)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Turning Angel - End, Iskender

I have finally finished Turning Angel which started really good but then turned into preaching about good old Southern values and beauty of USA etc. hence sour.

I'm planning to start Iskender by Elif Shafak. Yesterday I went ahead and bought it (along with a pair of lovely pink slipper type shoes - purchased by using free credit card points :) )

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If You Are The One 2

Well this one was more melodramatic with a funeral insterted in and I shed tears and tears but overall this is not my type of film, exquisite vistas and locations aside.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If You Are The One

This film is not a fluffy romantic comedy - I fully expected it to be-. Instead it is a painful drama with some well done comedy bits scattered through it. Suprisingly it doens't end up being a bad film but I'd much prefer a rom com. I'm happy with it but it was very sad at the same time.

Turning Angel is going great, I have absolutely no idea who the murderer is!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Don't Go Breaking My Heart

Last night I watched the HK romcom from Johnnie To, Don't Go Breaking My Heart and I enjoyed it very much despite the fact that I don't agree with the ending at all. Louis Koo was handsome and the rythm and flow of the film was perfect.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pride And Prejudice (2005), Turning Angel

Last night I have watched Pride and Prejudice (2005) again. I wonder why this adaptation has so many fans when clearly BBC one is still the best out there. First it is not really possible to cram the novel into a film format so director Joe Wright wisely chose to cut what is not essential to the plot and I agree with him on that but at the same time I can't help but think the story half baked. I wouldn't care so much about the characters if I have not read the novel.

I also don't really like Kiera Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet. She is a fine actor and very pretty but somehow her Elizabeth came off as mean and mocking (generally being the person she critisizes others to be)

I also started reading Turning Angel by Greg Isles and so far it is going great. There is something about stories in Southern areas of USA.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm Number Four-End, Detective Dee and The Mystery of the Phantom Flame

Last night I have watched Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame which was an OK film, not bad but nothing special.

I also finished I'm Number Four at the shuttle while coming to work. It was an easy read and that is the best thing I can say about it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

True Blood Season 3 - End, Love In The Time of Cholera - End, I'm Number Four

I have finished True Blood Season 3 last night and it was a blast. I really like these series but also realise that they are not going in a good direction. Anyway looks like I'll stick to them and not just for eye candy.

Love In The Time of Cholera is a good book and I liked it, on the other hand while I admire GGM's prose, it is not for me. I don't feel a connection.

And even though I was not going to buy any new books, I purchased I'm Number Four on a whim and it was the wrong book to follow up Marquez. The prose seem like it is written by a kid or something.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What's Up Fox? - End, True Blood Season 3

I liked What's Up Fox? a lot. It was not marathoning material (the last time I marathoned was City Hall I think???) but really enjoyable.

I'm watching True Blood season 3 and despite the fact that it is turning out to be an Anita Blake novel I like it very very much.

Friday, July 1, 2011

What's Up Fox? Eps.1 & 2

I really like this drama despite the vulgar jokes.