Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Viewing FAIL:Man From Nowhere

Last night I was so eager to watch Man From Nowhere but just about halfway through the film I realised that my dvd was faulty. And even though I didn't think I was terribly into the film, it was suprisingly dissapointing. And the stupid thing is expensive so I'll not be immediately replacing him. FAIL :(

Then to cheer myself up I started to watch Korean TV Drama My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and it did the job very well, before I know it I was laughing out loud and even managed to stop in the first quarter of Episode 2 (if it was love at first sight between me and the drama then I would have watched all the three episodes and be a zombie today at work)

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Teacher Mr.Kim, I Saw The Devil, Ghost House and ...ING

My Teacher Mr.Kim continued to be just as awesome in the second viewing while Ghost House didn't entertain me as much as it did the first time. I need to get new Cha Seung Won films :)

Suprisingly enough a Korean film was showing in theaters in Istanbul (outside of festival circuit that is) and it is Kim Jee Won's I Saw the Devil. Amazing film really and imho one of the director's best (I think I have seen all his films). Especially the first 15 minutes were so good. I wonder if I can rewatch is since it was gory but also heartbreaking, but I sure am happy that I saw this one.

..ing was as good as I remembered it to be. Amazing really how good a melodrama that film is. But Hong Kong version was slightly cut - not enough to annoy me but the thing is that I'm amazed I actually remembered so much of that film.

Nicholas Nickleby continues to be entertaining. I'm suprised at how vicious the satire in it is.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Crossing Hennessy

This Ivy Ho film really was no suprise since I purchased it after reading a very detailed, spoiler filled review. However this is one of those films that knowing what happens doesn't matter in the least bit. Not exactly a slice of love but it is a story where our protagonists are rather ordinary. I loved the unlikely lead pair Jackie Cheung and Tang Wei. I only watched Tang Wei in Lust Caution and never thought she'd look adorably ordinary like this. Jackie I like well enough even when he overacts and in this film he doesn't. This was a good one, another WIN purchase :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reign of Assassins

I loved it. Clean, uncluttered cinematography, great sets and props but more importantly a good story with romance, revenge and action in it. And to top all these the cast was excellent altogether. I really enjoyed myself and wanted more :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Confessions, Eye for Eye

Confessions is a film I was eager to watch. And even though the story didn't dissapoint, the MV style of direction didn't really agree with me. As far as I'm concerned what made the film was the actors. Everyone was so good, it is not easy to come across a solid cast like this.

Eye for Eye Now it is a decent film, not great but I do like Cha Seung Won and he looked so good in it. Amazingly good. Yeah this is a bit of a shallow opinion but this is all I can offer.

Meanwhile I'm into Nicholas Nickleby but not as much as, A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens is a gifter writer but his humour is not to my taste sometimes and the characters are suffering so much... I hope there are better days for all of them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Hunger Games - End

I have finished The Hunger Games last night and loved every bit of it. I'm almost scared to purchase the next of the triology, I hope it will be just as good but I can't figure how it's going to be.

Meanwhile oddly I stopped watching films for some days. Did Duplicity turn me off that bad? I think this is more because I keep waiting for my package from Hong Kong and it doesn't arrive :(

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Duplicity, Betrayed, The Hunger Games

I can't believe the only film I have watched since Descent is Duplicity. And what a bore this film is. Seriously one expects more from a romantic caper starring Julia Roberst and Clive Owen. Fail.

My orders for Betrayed (yeah I like to punish myself, or I got trashy tastes I don't know why I order this) and The Hunger Games arrived so I took a break from Nicholas Nickleby and read Betrayed (which was more of the same and I don't plan on following these series unless I somehow get them extremely cheap or free of charge) and started The Hunger Games which I loved. Katniss is a great teen hero and it is good story telling (I actually cried twice during and I didn't even finish it yet)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Descent

Last night despite being so tired and needing sleep (especially after celebrating my sister's b-day) I decided to give The Descent a chance and certainly don't regret it. I liked the film very much. The dynamics between the women and how they are all capable and fight back instead of just screaming. I like how the whole thing was filmed too. The location was dark but somehow the film was well lit and we are able to see what's going on.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fated to Love You - End

Last night I have finished watching Fated to Love you and I ended up liking the series. Especially the happiest ending possible for all the characters. The second half beginning in Shanghai was not necessary though.

Suprisingly the scene that made me cry rivers were the meeting of two siblings Anna and Dylan. I really like how understated but full of feeling it was. Cun Xi and Xin Yi are adorable but after a while their antics were just not as funny as the ones in the first half of the show.

In the end I think this is worth a watch and highly likely a rewatch. Especially the kissing scenes, Ethan Ruan is a good on screen kisser.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Still Fated to Love You

Fated to Love You is starting a bit sour towards the end. When Xin Yi had to abort the child it was a big suprise for me and now the Shanghai period left a bitter taste. Sun Xi is good and kind but Xin Yi is treating him with contempt and while I understand why, I can't help but love the old kind hearted Xin Yi best and dislike Elaine because she acts stupid and bitter.

Now we are getting clues as to why Anna maybe long lost sister of Dylan and I hope that it is so. Those two can repair their broken hearts with some sibling TLC.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Marked-End, Nicholas Nickleby

I have finished Marked and once again thanked J.K Rowling for writing good books for children and teens.
Marked is an easy read and certainly trying to give good messages to teens (its intended market, and I just like to read any kind of book) but it had that certain self congratulary air which is also condescending (a good example of another book with that attitude is Eat, Pray, Love).

Now I have started Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens and I'm loving it. He is such a gifted writer.

Meanwhile Fated to Love you is an ongoing delight. I laugh, I cry and am having a ball.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Brightest Star in the Sky - End, Fated to Love You, Marked

Sunday night I have stayed late and finished The Brightest Star in the Sky, oh Marian Keyes, I love you - never change.

I have started a teen novel called Marked. It is not very good and have that self loving tone but somehow I'm interested and I keep going on. This type of American stories appeal to me for some reason.

I started to watch Fated to Love You which is the highest rating drama in Taiwan TV history. Two episodes in and I'm not into it despite always loving the poor girl/rich boy story line. Maybe it is the commercial break markings (how come they are there in the dvd?) at least the subtitles are very good. I'm planning on watching three more episodes to see whether I'll like it or not (Last Scandal of My Life didn't excite me for the first three eps. but then I LOVED it)