Wednesday, December 8, 2010

End of Hiatus (Hopefully)

After a suprising long time, I return to the cyber space with lots and lots in my bag. But if tried to share them here than I'd have to write a very long time. I should at least put the names down with a few thoughts but somehow couldn't return here after the vacation I had in September. There was no computer, very very limited mobile phone access (voluntary, I only called my family to let them know I'm alright) and nothing but wonderful, wonderful sea, Bali massages, Turkish baths and great food - yeah a 5 star plus resort has its advantages, especially a special one like this where you are not disturbed by the animation team, and girls from Bali come to massage your backs and hand you cold towels and cold ginger tea while you are reading on the beach (this is not the Bali massage I have mentioned above, these were just freebies to make the guest feel more comfortable). And did I mention that this beach was called 'Silent Beach' since no children and no music was allowed?

So after that wonderful break I have returned to work and life. Read more than a few books there and the one that left the most imression was called The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova. I want to read her first novel too now (but I'm hoping to get an e-reader of some sorts since the books are so much cheaper).

I'm currently reading a travelogue/memoir written by Mina Urgan (a prof in English Literature) called Bir Dinozor'un Anıları/The Travels of a Dinasour (that is because she is so old) and I love it. It feels like she is sitting right across me and talking to me. I regret that I can't ask her questions.

As for viewing I have finished two seasons of Mad Men and I'm loving the show even though everyone in it is a bad person and nothing happy every happens. The characters are very interesting, I just can't stop watching and very eager for the third season.

I have finished Korean Drama City Hall and it was a total winner. Great acting and such a delightful romance. The male character is probably the dream man for most of the women in the world. Naturally I loved him.

I also finished Japanese Drama Love Shuffle but it was fail as far as I'm concerned. I finished it but not with much enthusiasm.

So I'm back to record what I read and watch.

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