Monday, September 6, 2010

The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, Gulliver's Travels - End, Oburcuk Mutfakta

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2009) Directed by Niels Arden Oplev, written by Nikolaj Arcel and Ramus Heisterberg, adapted from the wonderful book of the same name (orginal translation of the Swedish title is 'Man Who Hate Women').

I liked it. It kept the good parts, omitted the not so interesting parts and the locations were good. I didn't like the actors, the titular girl was a bit old (the writer makes a point on how she looks like a teenager in the novel) but the acting was not bad at all.

Gulliver's Travels ended on a high note and now I started a book of food related essays (appropriate for Ramadan - heh) written by Selim Ileri. I'm loving it.

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