Thursday, January 21, 2021

Fever Pitch


Fever Pitch   this book... It is going to be long review I'm afraid. First of all, I purchased this one from a second hand book store thinking it is a literary romance (from which a film was adapted). I eagerly brought it to the beach and soon realised that it is not even fiction. It is a memoir of a football fanatic. I took it back to my room and grabbed another beach read. However I did not leave it behind when I checked out (as I usually do).  DNF is just not for me. This one was lost in some pile and found again when I got new shelves. 

Now this is getting a bit icky but I like to read at the loo. Usually it is twitter on my mobile but again I decided to take this one with me whenever I feel like. 

And as I read through the years (YEARS yes) and towards the end I have finally understood why I could not let it go. The author perfectly captured what it is like to be football fan. My father was one (RIP) and I saw so many similarities  despite the difference in their ages and social lives and characters. So it ended up being personal. 

It is very well written and perfectly explains what it is like to be a football fan. I'm not one, I'm not even interested in the game but I felt like I was reading about my father and I wish he was alive so he could read it too. 

Highly recommended if you have a football fan in your life.

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