Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Portrait of A Lady

 The Portrait of A Lady  it took me so long to read this. Sometimes reader/writer chemistry is just not there. In theory I must love Henry James. I like his prose, his stories are interesting, a decent person vs. a despicable villain is something I like. I like period novels. However for some reason I do not like to read Henry James. This is the third novel I attempted to read. I liked Washington Square and DNFed The Golden Bowl and this one I have finished out of pure stubbornness. Everything is good but I can't get that flow you know. 

Also this edition (a Turkish edition) has problems. The font is too big so the novel is 750 pages (not that the page count is relevant as far as I'm concerned) and it was distracting to read a font larger than any I'm used to in a paperback. In addition to that, there were a lot of typos but again these have not affected my core reading pleasure (or non pleasure in this case) they were just additional annoyances. 

Three stars but I did not enjoy it. 

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