Monday, January 30, 2017

You Only Live Twice

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You Only Live Twice was one of the films of the "Bond Month" on TV. I'm not really that into Bond to be honest. The only novel I really like is Casino Royale and the only film I really enjoy watching is Casino Royale starring Daniel Craig (a man I didn't think would be a good Bond but he proved me wrong thank God). It probably has to do with the male self appreciation and the way the women are depicted in it. In Casino Royale Vesper was as much as a character as Bond but not other women in other novels (I think I have read three before giving up on the series, I love the way they eat lobsters with melted butter and drink champagne in the beginning of Goldfinger though). Anyway this one caught my eye and I recorded it and it turned out that Mr. Roald Dahl has written the script and the whole thing was very entertaining and unintentionally hillarious. In the above photo Bond is disguised as a Japanese person, seriously. The women are treated badly and all in all many of the scenes were funny, rather than exciting or entertaining. There was not much of a villain, apparently this one is iconic and inspired Spectre (a Bond film I didn't like at all). All in all I was entertained but probably not for the reasons the film makers had intended. 

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