Thursday, June 9, 2016

Un Giorno Perfetto (A Perfect Day)

Un Giorno Perfetto was like a kick in the gut. I didn't expect this from Mr. Ozpetek. Huge spoilers coming up now.

It turns out that the happy family in the cover is all a lie. They are divorced and he is stalking her. We understand that he has physcological problems but he looks so together and properly reformed that we almost wish that she listens to him. But it is not adultery he is guilty of, he beat her and then all good wishes are off. She is a great mother despite being low on education and income. She is pretty but not really the flirty sort. Anyway there is small boy who is bullied at school and a teen girl who is about to fall in love. The man works as a body guard for a powerful politician (he has a side story but I was not interested in that story at all) so he is Police and is not easy to remove from one's life. She doesn't want to turn him into a villain in the eyes of his children and we can see that he is trying to be a good father.

But he takes the kids and kills them. Yes even the little boy with the lazy eye. And as we realise that the girl is not dead yet I started to cry in earnest. Man what a deal that woman was dealt with. I hope that the girl lives.

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