Monday, April 25, 2016

The Lies of Locke Lamora

The Lies of Locke Lamora This novel has good reviews on youtube, goodreads etc. and comes recommended when and where ever I chose a book from this genre. Knowing very little about it, I didn't hesiste to pick it up when I saw this second hand copy in great condition at a bookstore (The Last Bookstore, LA - oh the good old days). Well this one didn't work for me. It has great world building and the story telling is good but I just couldn't like any of the characters. They are a team of con men called Gentlemen Bastards. I'm they are good guys but they still rob and decieve people and despite the fact that I had no trouble liking a torturer as a character in another (in my opinion, better, fantasy series) I just couldn't like these guys. They don't even feed the poor with their earnings. They just keep them all at a vault. Anyway the main problem for me was the revenge aspect. This is one of my favorite tropes. But this time it made it harder to get into the story since the main villain is a man after revenge and he has good enough reasons too. Anyway, despite the fact that I liked the action, the con plots and the characters didn't work for me. I'm not thinking of purchasing the second novel of this series.  

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